Books by Edgar M. Bronfman
This Haggadah will inspire and delight all ages. Designed to foster Jewish pride, Edgar Bronfman’s text continues the traditional commandment to retell the Exodus story of slavery and freedom for future generations. The Haggadah teaches people of all ages about Judaism with a fresh perspective while helping to define Passover for everyone at the Seder table. The author’s creative approach weaves together meaningful readings, from the nineteenth-century abolitionist Frederick Douglas to a lesser-known poet, Marge Piercy. The Bronfman Haggadah is a welcome addition for the avid collector, as well as to be used as the Haggadah of choice to enrich the Passover Seder experience with its refreshing interactive approach.
Through a reexamination of important texts and via interviews with some of the leading figures in Judaism today, Bronfman outlines a new agenda for the Jewish community in North America, one that will ensure that Judaism grows and thrives in an open society. He calls for welcome without conditions for intermarried families and disengaged Jews, for a celebration of Jewish diversity, and for openness to innovation and young leadership. Hope, Not Fear is an impassioned plea for all who care about the future of Judaism to cultivate a Jewish practice that is open to the new as it delves into the old, that welcomes many voices, and that reaches out to make the world a better place.
With humor, wisdom, practical advice, and inspiring stories from some of America's most distinguished leaders, Edgar M. Bronfman, former CEO of Seagram's, explores the most important lessons he's discovered about planning what you will retire to; about the many different ways to learn, grow, and take on new challenges; about giving back through volunteerism, constructing a new career as fulfilling as the first, or simply following your heart. "It's not just the length of our lives that should concern us," he says. "It's the quality of our lives." The Third Act is an invaluable guide to improving both.
Good Spirits is filled with anecdotes about both the making of a businessman and the making of a business, as Bronfman learned Seagram from the ground up and discovered, sometimes the hard way, just what worked and what didn't. With wisdom and humor, he distills a lifetime of business lessons into a highly readable memoir, and furnishes us with stories both illuminating and cautionary about how to recognize opportunity, delegate wisely, analyze properly, keep cool in a crisis, gain credibility (both inside and outside the company), and, especially, how to achieve balance - in one's business and in one's life. It is an inside look at innovative leadership for this generation - and the next.
In his candid personal memoir, a noted Jewish statesman reveals his rebellious youth, telling portraits of major world figures--such as Simon Peres, Lech Walesa, George Bush, and Menachem Begin--and his international role as President of the World Jewish Congress.
Completed in December 2013, just weeks before he passed away, WHY BE JEWISH? expresses Edgar Bronfman's awe, respect, and deep love for his faith and heritage. Bronfman walks readers through the major tenets and ideas in Jewish life, fleshing out their meaning and offering proof texts from the Jewish tradition gleaned over his many years of study with some of the greatest teachers in the Jewish world.
With honesty, poignancy, and passion, Bronfman shares In WHY BE JEWISH? insights gleaned from his own personal journey and makes a compelling case for the meaning and transcendence of a secular Judaism that is still steeped in deep moral values, authentic Jewish texts, and a focus on deed over creed or dogma.